
Breakfast Nook: The Roommate

Content Warnings

Remember that fun story by Pineapple called “The Roommate” where two siblings move into a haunted apartment? Test your memory with this quiz full of ghostly goodness!

1. How did Sam end up choosing a haunted apartment?

A) On purpose. What sibling could pass up the chance to scare their sister?

B) The landlord failed to mention there would be another… tenant.

2. Why was the ghost throwing out Mel’s spices?

A) The ghost liked bland food.

B) The spices were expired.

3. What does Sam like to put on mangoes?

A) Barbeque sauce.

B) Cinnamon.

4. What did Sam see on the side of the road that helped them choose pork for dinner?

A) A wild hog.

B) Bacon butterflies.

5. Why did the ghost launch a bottle of wine at the wall?

A) Sam bought a cheap wine and needed to suffer the consequences.

B) It slipped. Total accident. The ghost was super embarrassed.

Answer Key

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A

How did you do?

1-2 Correct: I’m not saying we’re gonna haunt you, but I’m not not saying that either…

3-5 Correct: Whoa! You’re a real JAAM specter, I mean, spectator!

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