
Breakfast Nook: Ways to Stay Warm When Christmas is Ruined

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How well do you remember what goes down when the power goes out in our collab story Ways to Stay Warm When Christmas is Ruined? Take this quiz to find out, and check your answers with the key at the end!

1) Why does Lily think Santa Claus is out to get her?

A. She double dared him to prove he’s real and give her a white Christmas.

B. She knocked over his entire gift display at the mall.

C. Someone at school told her Santa is a bad guy because he breaks into people’s houses.

2) What kind of cookies does Holly burn in the oven?

A. Sugar cookies.

B. Chocolate chip cookies.

C. Gingerbread men.

3) What is the first gift Maria gave Fred that he now refuses to part with?

 A. A cute mug that he accidentally cracked.

B. A blanket that’s become worn with time.

C. A very broken umbrella.

4) What snack does Lena’s friend Amber bring over?

A. Lemon cupcakes.

B. Fudge ice cream.

C. Cold pizza.

5) Who lights a bunch of candles to make their apartment more cozy?

A. Fred.

B. Holly.

C. Lily.

6) Who almost falls asleep during the power outage?

A. Lena.

B. Maria.

C. Nick.

7) How many Christmas trees does Holly have?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Seven.

8) Why does Holly take back every nice thing she’s ever thought about Fred?

A. He helped Nick move (murder) her plant.

B. He said he’s a better cook than her.

C. He called Nick her boyfriend.

9) Who roams the chilly apartment complex without their shoes on?

A. Holly.

B. Lily.

C. Carly.

10) Who reminds everyone to let their faucets drip?

A. Nick.

B. Carly.

C. Lena.

Answer Key

1) A
2) C
3) B
4) B
5) A

6) B
7) A
8) C
9) B
10) B

How did you do?

1-2 Correct: Shhh, no, it’s okay. This was a practice quiz. You can totally try again!

3-5 Correct: Don’t worry, it’s been years. We forgot a lot too, and we wrote it!

6-8 Correct: Okay, this is pretty impressive!

9-10 Correct: You win! You are a certified JAAM pro!

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