A Tea Party filled with an assortment of food, a charcuterie board, jam, bread, sweets, a cake, books, a tea pot, and tea cups, various fruits
Tea Party

Tea Party (Q&A: This or That)

Tea Parties | Content Warnings

Welcome to another Tea Party! We’ve decided to choose between some of our favorite characters and settings. Settle in with a nice, cozy drink and join the fun!

Who’s more fun to hate: Cart Boy from Cat and the Cryptid Summer or General Helianthus from How Journeys End?


I’m gonna have to go with Cart boy from Cat, but mostly because I think it’s funny how worked up Apple gets about him. I feel more bad for Helianthus than anything. Cart boy’s got a relatively small part but he left a big enough impact that I hope he gets a name in season two. Or doesn’t, actually, maybe it’s funnier this way actually.


I have to go with General Helianthuis since Cart boy was so much fun to write! I would definitely fight the general. Cart boy, I would just put in time out.


I’ve gotta go with Cart Boy. Gran keeps an eye on him, so he doesn’t get to cause too much trouble, haha. He’s a silly time for the most part.

Who’s more charming: Jonás from The Faery Bargain or Colin from Tied to You?


I’d say they’re both quite charming. I might have to say Colin which is predictable, given that I am Colin’s #1 fan. But I just feel like Jonás is a bit more calculative at this point. I’d have to feel him out a bit more. Meanwhile Colin has got the rizz of an actor PLUS the natural charm of someone who has sincerity. So Colin, final answer.


I honestly can’t wrap my head around Colin being charming, so I have to go with Jonás. Colin is lovably dorky in my mind. Plus, it’s hard to compete with a charming fae!


Jonás has an agenda in the current chapters, so I’m gonna have to say Colin. Colin wasn’t necessarily nice at first, but he was honest, and he was definitely a real one by the end!

Which would you rather brave: Winter’s domain in Gray Hearts or The Winter Lands in Ocean’s Favor?


I think The Winter Lands in Ocean’s Favor. I don’t know why. Realistically, I’d probably have a better chance against Winter from Gray Hearts. Winter is also pretty cute once you get to know her. But the Winter Folk might leave me alone if I don’t mess with them and at the moment I’m writing this, my brain is kind of shot and I just want to exist in the silence so… yeah. I think The Winter Lands sounds a little bit prettier, but to be honest, I’m really a summer person. I’d rather not go to either.


I mean, I definitely know Winter’s domain better so my odds of survival are higher. But I would never pass up the opportunity to have an adventure with pirates and mermaids, so I have to go with The Winter Lands in Ocean’s Favor!


We don’t know a lot about Winter’s domain in Gray Hearts just yet, only that she takes people whose mental health is going through it. So based solely on that, if I had to choose between braving fairies and braving my mental health at its lowest, I’d have to go with the fairies.

Choose one: Bec as your partner for setting up a festival (The Halloween Bash) or going undercover with Cheery (The Gummy Bear Case Study).


Though the stakes are probably higher, I think I’d go undercover with Cheery. Sounds like loads of fun and I trust she’d get me out of it. Dress up and commit to the bit? Like I’m THERE. It just sounds like a blast.


I would love to go undercover and live my best spy life! But anyone who knows me knows that I have the WORST poker face, so I’d get myself and Cheery caught in, like, ten seconds. Plus Bec would definitely help with the heavy lifting, so I’d be filling a more supervisory role if I were to help with setting up a festival. I’d have to go with Bec this time!


Definitely festival setup with Bec. As fun as writing Cheery is, going undercover might be a bit too much excitement for me. And Bec has a ton of cool ideas, so I feel like the festival would be a really good time. Also, I’m not passing up a chance to hear the Babes in Black live.

Thanks for stopping by!

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